I select a thematically appropriate horror movie for each day of the year and tell you about it.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
How do you get to decide what qualifies as a horror movie and where each one goes on the calendar?
I am the Mayor of Horror Movies.
Are all these movies good?
Oh gosh no. But I recommend all of them to the adventurous viewer.
What’s with the CWs?
In horror movies, disturbing material is part of the entertainment package. But for some viewers, elements like sexual violence or bigotry ruin the fun. For those folks, I include content warnings. That said, the warnings are based on my personal reactions and should not be expected to cover all potential cinematic skeeviness, so proceed with caution.
Who are you, aside from the mayor?
I’m Shaenon K. Garrity. I’m mostly a cartoonist. I watch a lot of scary movies while I draw cartoons.
For all eternity? I thought you got to leave Buddhist hell once you’d worked off your Karma, which is one of the (few) things better about it than Christian hell. And Buddhism is about getting off the merry-go-round for good.
Unless you end up in the lowest Buddhist Hell, Avici, you can eventually work off your bad karma and be reborn into another life. And yes, the ultimate aim of Buddhism is to achieve samsara, freedom from the endless cycle of birth-death-rebirth by becoming one with the universe… unless one chooses to become a bodhisatva and stick around to guide others to enlightenment, as the Buddha himself is said to have done.
Funny thing about Avici–even the Buddhists seem to have a set of sins so nasty that the people committing them get condemned to the nastiest Hell of all for all eternity. Says something nasty about humans that you two-leggers are capable of that level of evil, doesn’t it nyao? Er, I mean “doesn’t it now?”, nyao.
To me, the existence of Avici (which I had not heard of before) seems to say more about human vindictiveness than their sins: which, I will admit, does still say something nasty about humans.
(Personally, I can’t imagine a sin awful enough to condemn anyone to torture for _eternity_. But I suppose the Buddha would say I’m a big softie).
Eternal torture just sounds so utterly pointless to me.
If punishment isn’t a road to redemption, why bother; just click permanent delete and be done with it.
Vindictiveness, indeed.
BTW, this delightfully illustrated series has _seriously_ lengthened my “movies I need to track down and watch” list. I hope you’re happy, time-thief!!
For all eternity? I thought you got to leave Buddhist hell once you’d worked off your Karma, which is one of the (few) things better about it than Christian hell. And Buddhism is about getting off the merry-go-round for good.
Unless you end up in the lowest Buddhist Hell, Avici, you can eventually work off your bad karma and be reborn into another life. And yes, the ultimate aim of Buddhism is to achieve samsara, freedom from the endless cycle of birth-death-rebirth by becoming one with the universe… unless one chooses to become a bodhisatva and stick around to guide others to enlightenment, as the Buddha himself is said to have done.
Funny thing about Avici–even the Buddhists seem to have a set of sins so nasty that the people committing them get condemned to the nastiest Hell of all for all eternity. Says something nasty about humans that you two-leggers are capable of that level of evil, doesn’t it nyao? Er, I mean “doesn’t it now?”, nyao.
To me, the existence of Avici (which I had not heard of before) seems to say more about human vindictiveness than their sins: which, I will admit, does still say something nasty about humans.
(Personally, I can’t imagine a sin awful enough to condemn anyone to torture for _eternity_. But I suppose the Buddha would say I’m a big softie).
Eternal torture just sounds so utterly pointless to me.
If punishment isn’t a road to redemption, why bother; just click permanent delete and be done with it.
Vindictiveness, indeed.
BTW, this delightfully illustrated series has _seriously_ lengthened my “movies I need to track down and watch” list. I hope you’re happy, time-thief!!
That’s all I ask.
Nine o’clock?