I select a thematically appropriate horror movie for each day of the year and tell you about it.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
How do you get to decide what qualifies as a horror movie and where each one goes on the calendar?
I am the Mayor of Horror Movies.
Are all these movies good?
Oh gosh no. But I recommend all of them to the adventurous viewer.
What’s with the CWs?
In horror movies, disturbing material is part of the entertainment package. But for some viewers, elements like sexual violence or bigotry ruin the fun. For those folks, I include content warnings. That said, the warnings are based on my personal reactions and should not be expected to cover all potential cinematic skeeviness, so proceed with caution.
Who are you, aside from the mayor?
I’m Shaenon K. Garrity. I’m mostly a cartoonist. I watch a lot of scary movies while I draw cartoons.
This has been a fantastic journey. I’m going to miss having it as a daily thing, but it’s great to have as a reference. Thanks for sharing all these with us!
My utmost respect for this excellent feature, which was incredibly smart and funny and informative to me, though I thought I knew a few things about modern horror movies, and I look forward to what you do in the future
I enjoyed that too, even the hours you made me waste watching some terrible films. May I politely request a proper index page? Currently it’s impossible to find a film other than guessing which day it was, and search engines can’t read the film titles in the images.
I would like to point out a tiny error in your site coding though, that would make trips through the archives more fun.
The ‘random’ link under the comic reads the output of a ‘date’ command to figure out where to go. Which is cool, but it would be cooler if you let it read the whole output including the seconds. What you’re getting now isn’t reading anything past the ‘day of the month,’ so on any given day, ‘random’ only goes one place.
Not throwing any shade on the work here; the comics are awesome and the site is well laid-out and works. I just hope to be helpful with the site scripting.
That was fun. I am sorry to see it end.
I would love to see this published as an actual 365 page book to flip through. 😉
Or a tearaway desk calendar!
This has been a fantastic journey. I’m going to miss having it as a daily thing, but it’s great to have as a reference. Thanks for sharing all these with us!
Thanks, Shaenon!
Is that image from Cemetery Man?
My utmost respect for this excellent feature, which was incredibly smart and funny and informative to me, though I thought I knew a few things about modern horror movies, and I look forward to what you do in the future
I predict one more posting – for February 29th, 2020. It’s been great.
Thanks for all of the unspeakable horror!
Thanks for the tour of horror film!
Thanks for this project. I’m not a huge fan of the horror genre, but your entertaining comments convinced me to watch a few of the featured films.
Farewell, HED; you will be sadly missed.
I’m going to use this anytime I hear “Let’s watch a movie”. It’s perfect all around, and I am very happy.
Next Project: What movie to watch that day to avoid trauma from watching the horror movie of the day…
I enjoyed that too, even the hours you made me waste watching some terrible films. May I politely request a proper index page? Currently it’s impossible to find a film other than guessing which day it was, and search engines can’t read the film titles in the images.
Yes. I would second this request for an index page, it would save me a lot of time (my memory is not what it used to be)
I’ve started going through and commenting the title/titles of the film/films on every day, as the comments are recognised by search engines.
That was a very fun project to follow. I’ll miss it daily, but thank you for doing it!
Next up, Costume Drama Every Day! 365 British adaptations of books featuring people in historical outfits!
I will miss this.
Great project, thank you. I have enjoyed keeping up with it all year! Best of luck with your future projects.
Thanks for the recommendations, and great work! I can’t wait to see what you do next!
Thanks for all the horror!
This is truly awesome and fun.
I would like to point out a tiny error in your site coding though, that would make trips through the archives more fun.
The ‘random’ link under the comic reads the output of a ‘date’ command to figure out where to go. Which is cool, but it would be cooler if you let it read the whole output including the seconds. What you’re getting now isn’t reading anything past the ‘day of the month,’ so on any given day, ‘random’ only goes one place.
Not throwing any shade on the work here; the comics are awesome and the site is well laid-out and works. I just hope to be helpful with the site scripting.
I really have to wonder why spammers still try. Only a complete idiot would actually click on their links.
Denise want to play with you! Start Play: http://inx.lv/GSYY?h=ee74d430fe57364e08df995f7536b1a0-